World Hepatitis Day – 28th July

Today, 28th July, is World Hepatitis Day.

UISCE is proud to work with incredible organisations in the Hep C Partnership initiative to bring awareness about Hep C, Testing and Treatment options for people who use drugs in Ireland.

To celebrate World Hepatitis Day, we want to share some basics 👇🏼👇🏼

What is Hep C❓

  • VIRUS – Hepatitis C is a virus that causes Hepatitis. There are 4 different types of Viral Hepatitis A,B,C,D and E
  • INFECTION – Hepatitis C is an infection of th liver caused by the Hepatitis C Virus. The virus gets into your body through infected blood.

What about symptoms❓

  • SYMPTOMS – Hepatitis C is often called a silent killer because the majority of people have no symptoms until many year later and once liver damage has occured
  • EFFECTS – If untreated the virus c causes scarring and damager to the liver leading to Cirrhosis, Liver Cancer and Liver Failure

COULD YOU HAVE HEP C❓- Know the risks & Reduce your risk

  • INJECTING & SNORTING DRUGS – Sharing injecting equipment, such as pipes, straws or notes (snorting) needles, syringes, spoons and filters (injecting)is a high risk factor
    • Reduce your risk – avoid sharing works and use sterilised equipment.
  • TATTOOS AND PIERCINGS – Having had a tattoo or piercing in an unsterilised and unprofessional setting can present some risks
    • Reduce your risk – always visit a professional body artist and ensure that ink is not shared but decanted and disposed.
  • MEDICAL PROCEDURES / INJECTABLES – Having dental or cosmetic procedures in countries without adequate infection control, having botox, lip fillers and other cosmetic procedures done in unsterile and un professional settings
    • Reduce your risk – always visit a professional, check their licence and research that infection control matches the standard here in Ireland.
  • PRISON Having spent anytime in prison or a correction centre has been shown to increase your exposure to the Hep C virus.
    • Reduce your risk – when in prison it is important to have your own razor, toothbrush, etc
  • SEX – Fisting, using sex toys or having multiple partners can increase the risk of blood being present
    • Reduce your risk – use a condom and specifically ask to be tested for Hepatitis C when you go for for an STI check. 
  • BLOOD TRANSFUSION – Anyone who had a blood transfusion pre 1989 in Ireland or in a country with poor or no blood testing
    • Reduce your risk- if  you have had a medical procedure in a country with poor infection control testing would be reccommended

To learn more about risks – click HERE

If you’re at risk, get tested – Hep C is curable & treatment is free!

  • Access to TESTING – Click HERE 
  • Access to TREATMENT – Click HERE

Learn more abour WHO commitment to eliminate Hep C by 2030 and what YOU can do to support this cause👇🏼👇🏼

For more info about Hep C  visit